25 June
Saturday 25-06-2022
time 21:30
Piazza del Popolo


(Re)edit competition. Cinema through images (video - essay, recut, mash-up, remix)

The Pesaro Film Festival has always focused on cinema as a form that is thought, and year after year has sought out not only new cinema, but also a new criticism of innovative tools and lan- guages. Such as in the retrospectives on Thom Andersen, with his striking reflections on the image in audiovisual form, and pioneer André S. Labarthe’s groundbreaking Cinéastes de notre temps; and the 2015 video essay workshop that explored emerging forms of film criticism.
In the following editions, we implemented the (Re)Edit Competition for film students from uni- versities across the world and for the students of secondary schools.

Curators, Chiara Grizzaffi and Andrea Minuz, have selected the following 10 videos essay:

Birds - Eye, Gaia Mandelli, Istituto Tecnico Da Vinci di Borgomanero

Gelsomina e Cabiria: i due volti di Giulietta, Jacopo Torriti, Università di Udine (sede di Gorizia)

Il quadro e la carrellata, Moritz Drummer, Sapienza Università di Roma

Incubolo, Riccardo Venturi, Accademia di Belle Arti di Urbino

My Leftlovers, Lia Dekel, The Steve Tisch School of Film and Television - Tel Aviv University

Prendre conscience / Perdre connaissance, Occitane Lacurie, Université Paris 1 - Panthéon - Sorbonne

Riding Horses, Riding Bikes. Horses, bicycles and shifting heroes, Edoardo Spallazzi, Federica di Giampaolo, Sapienza Università di Roma

The body of the actor: a tool for spatialization (in Paolo Sorrentino's movies), Lucrezia Gandolfo, Università IULM

Tiptoe, Paolo La Naia, Università IULM

Wandering through images: lost humanity in contemporary South East Asian cinema, Elisa Cherchi, Università IULM

Among these titles, the jury composed of Claudio Casazza, Daniele Dottorini, Barbara Sorrentini will select the best video essay.