Landscapes immersed in a vermilion hue, characters who look like ghosts. Every now and then, sea monsters. Lois Patiño came back to his Galicia to tell a true story with non-professional actors in a strongly pictorial style - Jean-François Millet’s The Angelus was overtly acknowledged as a source of inspiration – and an anti-realistic aesthetics. Witches, veiled figures, and the local people who never separate from their dead, because “The ocean is an animal that breathes twice a day” and claims bodies.
Lois Patiño (Spain, 1983) is a film-maker and artist whose video installations were shown at MACBA (Barcelona), Copperfield Gallery (London), CC San Martín (Buenos Aires), JIFF Art Gallery (South Korea) and art fairs like Paris Photo, ARCO Madrid, or Unseen (Amsterdam). In 2013, he won the Locarno prize for Best Emerging Director for his first feature film Costa da Morte, which went on to be awarded in Jeonju IFF (South Korea), FICUNAM (México), Valdivia IFF (Chile), and Seville European FF (Spain). Focuses on his work have taken place at the New York Film Festival, Flaherty Seminar, BAFICI, and Cali IFF. In 2016, he received the Robert Fulton III Fellowship for emerging directors from Harvard.
sceneggiatura/screenplay Lois Patiño
fotografia/cinematography Lois Patiño
montaggio/editing Pablo Gil Rituerto, Óscar De Gispert, Lois Patiño
suono/sound Juan Carlos Blancas
produzione/production Zeitun Films, Amanita Films
Ana Marra, Carmen Martínez, Pilar Rodlos, Rubio De Camelles