21 June
Wednesday 21-06-2023
time 18:10
Teatro Sperimentale - Sala Grande

Il mio film

Francesco Zanatta


Italia 2022 , 13'


With the presence of the director and the selector Cecilia Ermini

The magic of the music in the night, the living to live. When music is no longer music but becomes magic. Oh magic, take me away, fly me over the clouds. Between the early 1990’s and late 2000’s, in what can be considered the golden age of Italian clubbing, a number of people chose to document a swirling, sleepless nightlife. What emerged is a collection of low-definition videos in which flashing lights, pulsating music and dancing bodies merge to become a constantly throbbing mass. Viva la notte departs from this material to explore and expand the sense of loss that characterizes it, taking it to a level of abstraction and opacity where the image dissolves just like the world that generated it. Forms are lost in the dark and what remains are the evanescent traces of an elsewhere populated by fleeting ghosts in search of perpetual instability.


MILENA GIERKE crediti Martin Schoeller


Francesco Zanatta (Treviso 1999) graduated in Multimedia Arts at the Venice IUAV, where he continues his studies. His research focuses on one hand on the obsessive documentation of his own territory, and on the other hand on retrieving and reediting archive footage found on the web. Viva la notte is his first film debuting at a film festival.


editing Francesco Zanatta