20 June
Tuesday 20-06-2023
time 17:25
Teatro Sperimentale - Sala Grande

Il mio film

Bruno Delgado Ramo


Spagna/Canada 2022 , 18'


Supported by (S8) Mostra de cinema periferico
Liaison of Independent Filmmakers of Toronto
and Acción Cultural Española

With the presence of the director and the selector Raffaele Meale

Conceived as an exploration of both harbour piloting areas and Bolex maneuvering, the film alternates between the studio’s editing table at the facilities of Liaison of Independent Filmmakers of Toronto and various locations on the West shore of Lake Ontario. Part of a project intended to investigate the concept of maneuver as referred to both the operations performed with one’s hands – as proved by the word’s etymology, also shown – and the on-board procedures when approaching a harbour or shore, the film plays in parallel with the idea of precision in the film hand-operation and ship pilotage procedures. With images reminiscent of the film avantgarde, a subtle formal play between the two kinds of maneuver is shown, alongside an almost pictorial study of the manual work implied by the use of film stock.


MILENA GIERKE crediti Martin Schoeller


Bruno Delgado Ramo (Seville 1991) is an experimental filmmaker, researcher, and architect whose artistic and academic practice deals with the moving image. From a wide understanding of image, he studies the collective processes and spatial conditions activated by film language. His interdisciplinary work deals with a site-specific cinema and spatial questions in the city. He outlines his projects as investigations based on artistic practice. His work has led to films, book editions, and spatial proposals. His Un baile con Fred Abstrait was in the 2020 PFF competition.