
14 June
Friday 14-06-2024
time 18:00
Teatro Sperimentale - Sala Grande

Il mio film

Eleonora Diana, Velia Papa

L'isola del teatro

Italia 2024 , 66'39''


Eleonora Diana, Velia Papa
Italia 2024, 66’39’’

With the presence of Velia Papa and the film staff

The docu-film tells the story of the Polverigi Inteatro Festival going back on 40 years not only of the Festival, but of the history of contemporary theatre and dance, by way of interviews, archive footage, images and backstage footage of major figures – such as Romeo Castellucci, Jan Fabre, Wim Vandekeybus, Mario Martone - who have transformed a small village in the Marche hinterland into an international capital of theatre.


MILENA GIERKE crediti Martin Schoeller

 Piccola 2


Turin-based Eleonora Diana is a director, production designer, light designer, and settings creator for various production companies and businesses in Italy and abroad.
Artistic director of the Inteatro International Festival in Polverigi, Velia Papa has played a recognised role in the promotion and production of innovative artists and shows on the national and international scene.



produzione, soggetto e sceneggiatura Velia Papa
fotografia Alessandro Cecchi
montaggio Eleonora Diana
sound designer e postproduzione audio Guglielmo Diana operatore di camera Alessandro Cecchi
fonico di presa diretta Claudio Pauri
(un ringraziamento speciale a Comune di Polverigi, Mediateca di Polverigi, Rai Direzione Teche, Direzione Sede Rai Marche )