
Info Festival

Info Festival

International Competition
Lino Miccichè Award

After the success of the last edition, with the revolution of the international competition, even this year the search for the 'new' cinema will open to all formats and all directors, without barriers of age, duration, 'genre'.

The idea is to map and select the flow of global images with attention to new and more innovative forms of language. [Selection curated by Pedro Armocida, Paola Cassano, Cecilia Ermini, Raffaele Meale, Stefano Miraglia e Federico Rossin]

Attached are the regulations for the "Pesaro Nuovo Cinema 2024 Competition" to which films of all genres and languages, made on any medium, may be submitted, provided they have not been released in Italy.

The deadline for filling in the entry form is 2 April 2024. The rules are attached below.



(Re)Edit Competion 2024

For the nineth consecutive year, the Pesaro Film Festival promotes the first Italian competition for to video essays.

The term “video essays” designates a wide array of works that re-edit and remix cinematic images to interrogate their meaning in a critical and interpretative fashion. They represent a way to analyze cinema through cinema itself, thanks to the various digital editing software widely available nowadays. These are experiences that look at the past (the tradition of the experimental found footage cinema, that of documentary filmmaking, or the essay film) but are also influenced by the playful and hybrid practices of the present and the new forms of online cinephilia (mash-ups, re-cut trailers, supercuts).

To participate, please submit a video link (YouTube, Vimeo or another video sharing platform) no later than April 30, 2024 to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. The link must be accompanied by a short presentation in the rules below.

A specialized jury will select the ten (10) most original and compelling videos, which will be featured on the Festival website and social media sites. The winning video essay will be individuated among the finalists and announced during the award ceremony.

press / cultural

The press pass is comprehensive of these materials:

58th Pesaro Film Festival CATALOGUE


The book


The press kits and passes can be collected at the Hospitality & Accreditation office situated in Pesaro June 18.
- The accreditation gives no rights to an hotel accommodation
- The accreditation does not give the automatic right to reserve the sit for the projection: in this festival edition, consequently to the safety rules against Covid-19 virus, to be able to ensure your sit during the show, you need to make your own reservation. For more info, please contact us at this mail address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


Who can request
an accreditation


request Form


Here you can find the form to apply for accreditation:





Júlio Bressane was born in Rio de Janeiro in 1946. As a teenager he used to hang around the haunts of the nascent Cinema Nôvo, establishing ties with Paulo César Saraceni, Glauber Rocha, and Leon Hirszman. At 19 years of age, he was assistant to Walter Lima Jr. for the film Menino de Engenho and then to Fernando Campos for A Viagem. He debuted as a director in 1965 with the short film Lima Barreto: Trajetória. O Anjo Naceu and Matou a Familia e foi ao Cinema were received as a break with Cinema Nôvo and ascribed to ‘Cinema Marginal’ or ‘udigrudi’ – a term which was never recognized by its representatives anyway. In 1970, with Rogerìo Sganzerla and Helena Ignez, Bressane founded the production company Belair, whose activity was abruptly interrupted by the military dictatorship, forcing the three filmmakers into exile. Bressane lived abroad for some time, mainly in London and New York. He travelled to Morocco and in Asia until 1973, when he returned to Brazil.



With an Egyptian father and a Czech mother (a pianist), French actress, writer, director, and singer Myriam Mézières is considered a champion of métissage. She made a name for herself starring in five films by Swiss director Alain Tanner, including A Flame in My Heart, which she also co-wrote (Best Actress and Best Film at the Houston Film Festival), and The Diary of Lady M., which she also wrote. She became the face of the masters of European cinema, working with the likes of Jean-Pierre Mocky, Andrzej Zulawski, Paul Vecchiali, Claude Lelouch, Yves Boisset, and Claude Berri. She then became very popular in Spain, beginning with Manuel Gómez Pereira’s !lm Mouth to Mouth, and creating musical shows where she both acts and sings (Extraña Fruta; Carne y Sueños). Among other titles, she starred in Fleurs de sang, which she also wrote and co-directed with Tanner. She published the book El sol tiene una cita con la luna. The actress has just completed shooting of M.A. Buttini’s Mr. Nadie and is beginning principal photography in Lluís Miñarro’s Emergency Exit (April 2024).



Producer and director Luis Miñarro, born in Barcelona, has directed four feature films and produced over forty highly original films which have screened at the most prestigious international film festivals, museums, and film archives, winning more than 120 prizes. Among the filmmakers whom he has worked with we find Manoel de Oliveira, Albert Serra, Naomi Kawase, José Luis Guerín, Fabrizio Ferraro, and Lisandro Alonso. In 2010, his coproduction Uncle Boonmee who can recall his past lives, directed by Apichatpong Weerasethakul, received the Palme d’Or in Cannes. Miñarro has also participated as a member of the jury in multiple film festivals such as Locarno, San Sebastián, Nara, and Karlovy Vary. The 60th Pesaro Film Festival pays him a tribute screening his debut as a film director, Familystrip (2009).


The Jury of Students for the Competition “Pesaro Nuovo Cinema” - Lino Miccichè Award coordinated by Mariantonietta Losanno is formed of the following students from Italian universities and film schools:

Angelon, Università degli Studi di Milano Statale
Luca Arcangeli, Sapienza – Università di Roma
Francesco Arcese, Sapienza – Università di Roma
Lorenzo Baggiani, Scuola d'Arte Cinematografica Florestano Vancini
Fulvio Bartolucci, Civica Scuola di Cinema Luchino Visconti – Fondazione Milano
Margherita Borgia, Sapienza – Università di Roma
Monica Bosco, Università degli studi di Salerno
Carlo Codazzo, Sapienza – Università di Roma
Federico Esposito, Università degli Studi di Milano Statale
Daniele D’Amato, Accademia delle belle arti di Lecce
Gabriele D’Aprile, Alma Mater Studiorum – Università di Bologna
Delio Di Giovanni, Sapienza – Università di Roma
Ayoub Farrass, Civica Scuola di Cinema Luchino Visconti – Fondazione Milano
Letizia Maculan, Alma Mater Studiorum – Università di Bologna
Giuseppe Manodritta, Sapienza – Università di Roma
Laura Minervini, Università Suor Orsola Benincasa di Napoli
Enrica Nardecchia, Sapienza – Università di Roma
Giuseppe Parrella, Scuola di cinema e fotografia - Pigrecoemme
Lidia Paolucci, Università degli studi di Urbino Carlo Bo
Marta Perrotta, Sapienza – Università di Roma
Margherita Pesce, Accademia delle belle arti di Lecce
Loris Picano, Università degli Studi di Roma di Tor Vergata
Sofia Maria Polizzi, Università degli studi di Urbino Carlo Bo
Bruno Santini, Università Suor Orsola Benincasa di Napoli
Scianni Rosa Maria, Università degli Studi di Salerno
Eugenio Sommella, Sapienza – Università di Roma
Aurora Vannella, Sapienza – Università di Roma



The Pesaro Film Festival welcomes a new jury composed of film critics. The jury of film critics will assign the ITALIAN CRITICS’ AWARD (SNCCI), recently created after the signing of a memorandum of understanding between the National Union of Italian Film Critics (SNCCI) and the Italian Film Festivals Association (AFIC). The new award will be adopted by over hundred AFIC-associated events, including our Festival.

The SNCCI Jury – who will evaluate the films in Competition, in parallel with the traditional Jury – is composed of the following three film critics belonging to the National Union of Italian Film Critics (SNCCI):
Emanuele Di Nicola
Sarah Van Put
Arianna Vietina