
20 June
Tuesday 20-06-2023
time 23.59
Palazzo Gradari

pff2021 art marona

Maya Deren


USA 1954/1977 , 54’

presentano THE DIVINE HORSEMEN - THE LIVING GODS OF HAITI (USA, 1954/1977, 52’) di Maya Deren

Maya Deren said that she came to Haiti as a person who intended to shape the elements of reality and make a work of art out of them. Instead, she ended by transcribing its rationale as humbly and precisely as possible, since said reality compelled her to acknowledge its integrity and give up her artistic creation. We restart from there, letting Caribbean images and sounds drip on music of Europe and the Mediterranean, between ritual dances and wedding balls, knowing that the greatest respect is shown through passion and attention shared in collective experience.


The name Obelisco Nero comes from a character in Kusturica’s Black Cat, White Cat (Black Obelisk). Their music is a concentrate of exhilarating energy that alternates madness and quiet in a swirl of notes, caressing the soul and guiding it to wild dances and melancholy hugs in a European scope touching the whole Mediterranean.
Vittorio Ondedei is a musician, actor, and joker. He looks for improvisation, mixing, and contamination. He is also Topazio Perlini. From 2004 he has been Ruben Camillas, playing, recording, dancing, and sweating music along with Zagor Camillas. In 2022, he acted in the stage play Ho sonno, with Giulio Escalone, and the show Filmoni, with Giacomo Toni and Mara Cerri. He created a deck of Transformed Tarots and collaborates with the Lugano Buskers Festival, the Arzo Festival della Narrazione di Arzo, and Rete Due Svizzera TV.


a cura di Anthony Ettorre, Vittorio Ondedei, Giuliano Antinori

Visual tribalism, ritual ethnicism, sensory trips, emotional instability, archival deviance. Just a few of the senses that characterize this new run of THE WALL OF SOUND. Visions interwoven with sound to be enjoyed in what has become a little sanctuary of outright experimentation: Palazzo Gradari. Four events across the board offered by musicians and filmmakers in search of a new gaze and new perceptions. The image breaks out of the screen almost as a novel clandestine, settling on a 16th-century wall to share its mutation, its new form, with the audience. THE WALL OF SOUND 2023 is pyrotechnics of encounters between pictures and sounds. First of all, the Wall and the welcoming Gra’. And, electric power too! Bricks and energy: 4 evenings of lightnings that will dart around the spectators just arrived at the beginning of a dark night after the festival screenings have ended. They will find music entwining with film images, thus changing the destinies of both: the eye gets confused and finds out that it can see more than usual, while the ear gets startled when sound vibrates between the moving images and sets free from all that it used to be. Nothing can be done about it: if you land in the Gra’ courtyard with the right heartbeat, then fireworks – even in slo-mo – are inevitable.
And then you’ll see glitter everywhere, remembering Mirko.