24 Agosto
Lunedì 24-08-2020
ore 21:30
Arena Cinema Rocca Costanza


Davide Lomma


Italy 2020 , 8’

Certain storms drive you away; others force you to stay at home. Italy is under lockdown. No one can get farther than 200 metres from their house. This is the story of a father with his daughters and a tent overturned in the garden. Just a few reflections on a society that has detached from nature. The world is not in a crisis, it’s us who want to think so.

Davide Lomma

A film-maker and anthropologist, Davide Lomma isspecialized in migratory processes and in particular in the relationship between imaginary and migration. Graduated in film directing at the Cinecittà Academy of Cinema and Television (2011) and then in Communication Sciences and in Cultural Anthropology. He is currently the head ofthe video department ofthe Florence-based advertising agency Solutzione.

fotografia/cinematography Davide Lomma
montaggio/editing Davide Lomma
suono/sound Alessio Costantino
produzione/production Tr3sessanta, Studio Impronta