
18 June
Tuesday 18-06-2024
time 15:00 - 19:00
CTE - Casa delle Tecnologie Emergenti

Il mio film



Free entry with reservation required on the number: +39 338 346 0989

Special Screening PesaroNuovoCinemaVr
LA LIFE SUPPORT. LA NAVE DI EMERGENCY (Italy, 2023, 7') by Impersive Srl In association with EMERGENCY

Alex Honnold The Soloist (UK, France, USA, 2022, 60’) by Jonathan Griffith
Produzione/Production Jonathan Griffith Productions

Affiorare (Italy, 2022, 20’) by Rossella Schillaci
Produzione/Production My Boss Was

Spheres (USA, France, 2018, 43’) by Eliza McNitt
Produzione/Production Protozoa Pictures / Crimes of Curiosity / Atlas V / Kaleidoscope / Novelab

Mani-Materia-Memoria (Italy, 2023, 10’) by Leonardo Carrano
Produzione/Production Leonardo Carrano

Emperor (France, Germany, 2023, 40’) by Marion Burger and Ilan J. Cohen
Produzione/Production Atlas V / Reynard Films / France Télévisions

ENERGĒIA (France, 2022, no running time) by Ugo Arsac
Produzione/Production Plateforme CHRONIQUES CRÉATIONS Coproduction : Fruitière Numérique

Body of Mine (USA, 2023, 15’) by Cameron Kostopoulos
Produzione/Production KOST

Spots of Light (Israel, Canada, 2023, 15’) by Adam Weingrod
Produzione/Production KM PRODUCTIONS / HCXR / Occupied VR / AW FilmZ

The Fury (USA, 2023, 6’) by Shirin Neshat
Produzione/Production Vibrog Kunstahal in association with Khora Contemporary and The Animation Workshop / Christopher Schnoor and Peter Fisher


Special Screening PesaroNuovoCinemaVr
LA LIFE SUPPORT. LA NAVE DI EMERGENCY (Italy, 2023, 7') by Impersive Srl In association with EMERGENCY

To raise awareness of its e!orts in the Mediterranean Sea, EMERGENCY created a virtual experience on board the ship Life Support, in collaboration with the agency Impersive. The VR headset allows the audience to come on board the ship, experience the commitment of their staff and how the rescue missions are carried out, and hear the voice of migrant people. From the moment they are rescued until they disembark, the rescue mission on board a SAR (Search and Rescue) vessel is fully participated by the visitors.

Alex Honnold The Soloist (UK, France, USA, 2022, 60’) by Jonathan Griffith

Produzione/Production Jonathan Griffith Productions

Free soloing means climbing mountain walls, even the steepest and most treacherous, relying only on the strength of your body, without equipment or protection. This is what Alex Honnold does, becoming a legend in this discipline, that we follow in this immersive documentary.

Affiorare (Italy, 2022, 20’) by Rossella Schillaci

Produzione/Production My Boss Was

A documentary where fiction and abstraction meet. Looking at the world of mothers detained with their children becomes a journey into the feelings and aspirations, but above all into the dreams of these particular prisoners.

Spheres (USA, France, 2018, 43’) by Eliza McNitt

Produzione/Production Protozoa Pictures / Crimes of Curiosity / Atlas V / Kaleidoscope / Novelab

In this visionary documentary, we explore cosmic space through its sounds. In the three chapters that make up Spheres, the viewer enjoys a unique experience navigating between black holes and sudden flashes to discover the sound of the universe.

Mani-Materia-Memoria (Italy, 2023, 10’) by Leonardo Carrano

Produzione/Production Leonardo Carrano

Even experimental, abstract, structuralist, or Informalist film meets VR. Leonardo Carrano, an artist and director of experimental film who works with matter (of cinema and the world), projects us into a surreal world of sounds, words, shudders, and above all visions.

Emperor (France, Germany, 2023, 40’) by Marion Burger and Ilan J. Cohen

Produzione/Production Atlas V / Reynard Films / France Télévisions

An old man; he has a story to tell his daughter. But he cannot, because of an illness, aphasia. In this interactive experience we are asked to follow the memories, glimmers of reality that we should try to interpret on the wake of emotional ties.

ENERGĒIA (France, 2022, no running time) by Ugo Arsac

Produzione/Production Plateforme CHRONIQUES CRÉATIONS Coproduction : Fruitière Numérique

In this VR experience, the visitor is supposed to walk across a monumental nuclear plant, a gloomy, industrial visual and acoustic space that asks questions on the history of our energy resources.

Body of Mine (USA, 2023, 15’) by Cameron Kostopoulos

Produzione/Production KOST

Body of Mine is an immersive experience that leads the user to inhabit the body of another gender. Through stories of and interviews with trans people, we have to experience gender difference directly in our own bodies.

Spots of Light (Israel, Canada, 2023, 15’) by Adam Weingrod

Produzione/Production KM PRODUCTIONS / HCXR / Occupied VR / AW FilmZ

Spots of Light tells the story of Dan Layani who in 1982 lost his sight in combat. After 25 years, through an experimental surgery, he regains the use of his eyes and can then see his four children and wife. The documentary is like a dreamy and powerful journey into the subject of vision.

The Fury (USA, 2023, 6’) by Shirin Neshat

Produzione/Production Vibrog Kunstahal in collaboration with Khora Contemporary and The Animation Workshop / Christopher Schnoor and Peter Fisher

The Fury is the VR experience of artist Shirin Neshat’s work with the same title. The immersive experience transports the audience to experience the physical and emotional charge of a woman’s violent memories of political imprisonment.


Perhaps, the time to discuss VR is over; the current direction seems to go toward a co-existence, if not an overlapping and hybridisation, of different immersive experiences such as mixed reality, holograms, photogrammetry, and so on. Perhaps, this really is the field to explore in order to understand what is happening to ‘expanded products.’ This retrospective offers a glimpse of an emblematic selection, between documentaries that exploit the spectacular power of the presence and those that adopt more or less experimental forms and practices, ranging from animation to live action, from (more or less) conventional narrative to interactive approach... We can always say that we are dealing with a technology which, regardless of how sophisticate and adaptable the new VR headsets are, is failing to break through. However, even from these tests a creative ferment of some importance is emerging across-the-board, from nature documentaries to creative ones, from animation to gaming up to the art world.

Simone Arcagni


Film correlati
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time 15:00
Teatro Sperimentale - Sala Grande
Gianluigi Toccafondo
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Friday 21-06-2024
time 21:00
Teatro Sperimentale - Sala Grande
Franco Maresco
Italia 2014 , 95'
Monday 17-06-2024
time 21:00
Teatro Sperimentale - Sala Grande
Chanasorn Chaikitiporn
Thailandia 2023 , 19'49''

PFF60 14-22 06 2024